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                             68HC12 Debug Study Design Standards Embedded Palm Communcation Survey Bluetooth for Embedded


Some useful or at least interesting information.


Bluetooth for Embedded Applications


If you need a short range wireless connection for an embedded application, all the choices have significant issues that must be addressed for a successful resolution.  Here is a paper that begins that consideration for Bluetooth.


Read the HTML version here.


Download a PDF version of the paper here (18KB).         Download Acrobat Reader here.


68HC12 software development products trade study


Here is an overview of various products to debug 68HC12 programs.  No company contributed money or products for this paper.  A few contributed advice and comments.  It contains some opinions from current users.  If you have comments or corrections, please contact us.


Read the HTML version here.


Download a PDF version of the white paper here (200 KB). 


Design Standards for ....


If your products have to comply with formal government or industry documentation standards, like RTCA DO-178B, or UL-1998, or even the less formal MISRA Guidelines, this isn't for you.  But if they aren't, and if your projects are always late, over budget, slightly off-target, or consultants never last more than one project, there may be some clues here.  If you have comments, please contact us.


Read the HTML version here.


Download a PDF version here. (11 KB).


Embedded Communications


This document is a non-technical review of various communication formats that may be useful for embedded applications.


Read the HTML version here


Download a PDF version here  (24KB).


Palm OS for Embedded Applications


Most people don't think of Palm OS handhelds for embedded control applications, but there are some places where they present an interesting alternative. Any application that rarely needs operator attention can get rid of any keypad and display by shifting these tasks off board.


Read the HTML version here


Download a PDF version here  (10KB).


Toucan Technology 2444 Lexington Dr.  Ventura, California 93003 on the beach between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara.